Owner: Town of Westerly
Location: Larry Hirsch Lane, Westerly, RI
Cherenzia provided civil and environmental engineering services to the Town of Westerly in support of the permitting, design, and construction of their new Department of Public Works Highway Garage.
The Town of Westerly constructed their new DPW Highway Garage on a portion of their former recycling drop-off area, which consisted of fill material associated with historical dumping and burning activities. Constructing a facility on this material required design changes and construction flexibility throughout the project. Major design challenges included balancing the site grades while minimizing disturbance to waste materials, and managing significant storm water volumes above the ground surface because excavation into the former landfill would have been cost prohibitive. Cherenzia provided the following services supporting the Town of Westerly:
- Survey and site design
- Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses
- RIDEM Wetlands and Waste Management permitting and regulatory coordination
- Stormwater conveyance system design
- Construction documents
- Construction oversight
Owner: Town of Westerly
Location: Westerly, RI
The new Westerly Police Station Headquarters, located on a 2.82-acre lot at 60 Airport Road, was completed and opened in September of 2007. The facility houses all police operations including patrol, dispatch, investigation, detention and administration. The new facility also serves as a regional emergency operations center.
Extensive land surveying, site investigation, and historic research were conducted prior to design and construction in order to compile a comprehensive, up to date record of the site conditions. This was particularly important due to the past development and use of the site and abandonment of numerous subsurface utilities.
Site engineering and construction included grading, drainage, public sanitary sewer and other utility connections. Stormwater runoff from the site is captured, conveyed, stored and infiltrated onsite by a subsurface drainage system and infiltration units. In addition to the 18,400 square foot police station building with adjoining sally port, the facility also includes a 960 square foot garage and fueling facility, paved parking with three entrances/exits, secure fence enclosures, sidewalks, site lighting, and a telecommunications tower. The project was completed on-time and under budget.
Owner: Town of Westerly
Location: Watch Hill Cove, Westerly, RI
Cherenzia provided engineering services to the Town of Westerly in support of the design, replacement and rehabilitation of the storm water management system located in the main commercial and beach district of Westerly. In disrepair and deteriorating due to harsh coastal conditions and age, the subsurface drainage system is subject to significant flooding during intense storm events. Cherenzia provided the following services supporting the Town of Westerly:
Challenges facing the design team include the proximity to a tidally influenced high ground water table, existing utilities, and the low elevation of the roadway in relation to Block Island Sound.
- Detailed site and field investigations
- Hydrologic and hydraulic analyses
- Catch basin sizing and spacing
- Stormwater conveyance systems
- Underground stormwater storage design
- Discharge outlet sizing
- Construction documents
- Permitting and regulatory coordination